Available Infrastructure

The leading and cooperating institutions involved in the project have all the basic infrastructure required to carry on the project, except maybe for the facilities to promote video conferences and long distance education. The main infrastructure itens necessary to successfully accomplish the objectives of our project and the institutional capacity to match those needs are:

Computing Resources:

High performance computing, parallel computing, computer graphics and scientific visualization, workstations and PC's - IMPA, LNCC, CPTEC/INPE, UNICAMP, USP.


Libraries, access to internet, electronic libraries, inter-institutional network - IMPA, LNCC, UNICAMP,USP, UFRJ.

Highlights: IMPA's library is a national and regional reference, and access to its contents over the internet is now being made available to the community.

Use of the RNP to support the Institute's teaching and scientific exchange activities.

Model Validation:

All the applications presented in our project will need sooner or later to be validated against experiments. A few but very well ranked institutions in Biological and Medical sciences are part of the Institute. Institute of Biophysics - UFRJ, University Hospital - UFRJ.


Facilities to offer regular and short courses, computer codes, production of didatic and rference texts - IMPA, LNCC, UNICAMP, USP, UFRJ.

All the groups are ready to cooperate and use the respective institutional facilities necesssary to carry on the project. All the institutions are very well considered in the academic community and are among those with the best research and teaching infrastructure. It is important to remark that the RNP - National Scientific Network - agreed to support, through a formal agreement, the Institute?s activities, especially those related to improving science and mathematics education, video conferences and long distance teaching at national and regional levels.